I’m an early-career aquatic ecologist with extensive international experience. My research centers on understanding the response of aquatic food webs to global climate crisis and other environmental perturbations such as eutrophication, salinization and drought, using approaches ranging from mesocosm experiments to biodiversity monitoring to investigate trophic interactions, energy transfer, ecosystem functioning and health.
PhD in Aquatic Ecology, 2018
University of Vic- Central University of Catalonia, Spain
MSc in Biology/Limnology, 2015
Middle East Technical University, Turkey
BSc in Biology/Minor in Environmental Microbiology, 2012
Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Ecological status of temporary rivers
LAtitudinal gradients of speCies Richness and bOdy-Size Spectrum in multiple trophic levels and ecosystems
Collaborative projects
Aquatic food webs across biogeographical gradients
Salinization in freshwater ecosystems
Size-based trophic interactions in freshwater food webs
Climate change effects on macrophytes in shallow lakes